Toof Collectas - Puttin on the Blitz

Teams:Toof CollectasPuttin on the Blitz
Races:OrcBlack Orc

League: BloodBowlOn League
Division: Chattanooga Division
Tournament:BBO Open League
Round: Round 1
Date played:Sat Jun 3 2023 2:52:07
Match report:Download PDF report

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Fan Attendance  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Extra player Stats (ES) report page here
Teams Score Δ Treasury Dedicated Fans Sportsmanship & Manual Bonus points Total team CAS Fan Factor CTVs
Toof Collectas k 10-1 points k
Puttin on the Blitz k 10-1 points k
Toof Collectas report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Def Int Bh Si Ki Misc SPP Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
2 Gharghorz Blitzer
3 Brughaah Blitzer
4 Grozgrak Blitzer
5 Kraktow Blitzer
6 Morghaz Big Un Blocker
7 Murzhag Big Un Blocker
8 Grazgul Big Un Blocker
9 Thogzah Big Un Blocker
12 Groz Orc Lineman
15 Greebeez Goblin
16 Grugagitz Goblin

 MNG   RET   Journeyman   Used journeyman   New skill available 
Star Players:
Puttin on the Blitz report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Def Int Bh Si Ki Misc SPP Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Mug the Grim Black Orc
2 Gurrak Slaughterhands Black Orc
3 BakhStormcrow Black Orc
4 Urzag Wallcracker Black Orc
5 Vultog the Angry Black Orc
6 Nargulg Fireeater Black Orc
7 Reek Goblin Bruiser Lineman
8 Paak Goblin Bruiser Lineman
9 Gloc Goblin Bruiser Lineman
10 Blurd Goblin Bruiser Lineman
11 Zoboq Goblin Bruiser Lineman
13 Aguros the Ever Hungry Trained Troll

Star Players:
Game summary