The Underminers - Shoad's Children

Teams:The UnderminersShoad's Children
Races:Underworld DenizensShambling Undead

League: BloodBowlOn League
Division: Chattanooga Division
Tournament:BBO Open League
Round: Round 1
Date played:Sun Dec 17 2023 23:11:32
Match report:Download PDF report

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Fan Attendance  k
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Extra player Stats (ES) report page here
Teams Score Δ Treasury Dedicated Fans Sportsmanship & Manual Bonus points Total team CAS Fan Factor CTVs
The Underminers k 10-1 points k
Shoad's Children k 10-1 points k
The Underminers report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Def Int Bh Si Ki Misc SPP Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Scree-scree Skaven Clanrat
2 Toss-toss Farball Skaven Thrower
3 Squeak-squeak Runfast Gutter Runner
4 Eek-eek Blockhard Skaven Clanrat
5 Tikk-tikk Skaven Clanrat
6 Stab-stab Facestabber Skaven Blitzer
10 Jank Underworld Goblin Lineman
11 Gnugz Underworld Goblin Lineman
12 Jinx Underworld Goblin Lineman
13 Burble Underworld Goblin Lineman
14 Dizzy Underworld Snotling
14 Krork Underworld Goblin Lineman
23 Blinky Underworld Snotling
45 Itchy Underworld Snotling
57 Big-fist Rockhead Underwold Troll

Star Players:
Shoad's Children report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Def Int Bh Si Ki Misc SPP Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Hrathan Mummy
2 Dilaf Mummy
3 Raoden Wight Blitzer
4 Sarene Wight Blitzer
5 Karata Ghoul Runner
6 Galladon Ghoul Runner
7 Telrii Zombie Lineman
8 Roial Zombie Lineman
9 Iadon Zombie Lineman
10 Eondel Zombie Lineman
11 Ahan Zombie Lineman

Raised Zombie?:
Star Players:
Game summary