Gotaland Wolves - Green Machine

Teams:Gotaland WolvesGreen Machine
Coaches:Grumpy old gamerJoliver
Races:NorseBlack Orc

League: BloodBowlOn League
Division: Chattanooga Division
Tournament:2023 League Summer
Round: Round 1
Date played:Sun Nov 5 2023 2:03:23
Match report:Download PDF report

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Fan Attendance  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Extra player Stats (ES) report page here
Teams Score Δ Treasury Dedicated Fans Sportsmanship & Manual Bonus points Total team CAS Fan Factor CTVs
Gotaland Wolves k 10-1 points k
Green Machine k 10-1 points k
Gotaland Wolves report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Def Int Bh Si Ki Misc SPP Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
7 Visna Valkyrie
9 Torbjorg Valkyrie
11 Gere Ulfwerenar
21 Dog Soldier Ulfwerenar
33 Fenrir Norse Berserker
44 Eirik Bloodaxe Norse Berserker
60 Olaf Tryggvason Norse Raider Lineman
61 Olav Tryggvason  Norse Raider Lineman
62 Haraldsson Bluetooth Norse Raider Lineman
63 Jorg Heraldsson Norse Raider Lineman
64 Erik the Red Norse Raider Lineman
65 Thor Trueblood Norse Raider Lineman
66 Larza Norse Raider Lineman
99 Whitefang Yhetee
100 Bacon Beer Boar

Star Players:
Green Machine report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Def Int Bh Si Ki Misc SPP Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Cruzzik Goblin Bruiser Lineman
2 Vish Goblin Bruiser Lineman
3 Wurrzag Goblin Bruiser Lineman
5 Snaggla Goblin Bruiser Lineman
27 Throkk the Mighty Trained Troll
54 Ruglud Bonechewer Black Orc
69 Vagraz Head-Stomper Black Orc
85 Uruk Ironskullz Black Orc
90 Bromskul Facebeater Black Orc
92 Steve Black Orc
99 Durkol Eye-Gouger Black Orc

 MNG   RET   Journeyman   Used journeyman   New skill available 
Star Players:
Game summary