Star Player List

Star Player List 
Star/Mega-Star*MaStAgPaAvSkills & TraitsPriceSpecial RuleSpecial Rule DescriptionPlays For

'Captain' Karina von Riesz742+4+9+Bloodlust (2+), Dodge, Hypnotic Gaze, Jump Up, Loner (4+), Regeneration230kTasty MorselOnce per game, when Karina fails a Bloodlust roll, she may choose to bite an opposition player with a ST 3 or lower as if they were a Thrall Lineman team-mate. Karina may not bite Star Players with this special rule.Sylvanian Spotlight
Akhorne the Squirrel712+-6+Claws, Dauntless, Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, Loner (4+), No Hands, Sidestep, Stunty, Titchy80kBlind RageAkhorne may choose to re-roll the D6 when rolling for the Dauntless skillAny Team
Barik Farblast634+3+9+Hail Mary Pass, Loner (4+), Pass, Secret Weapon, Strong Arm, Sure Hands, Thick Skull80kBlast It!Once per game, when Barik makes a Hail Mary Pass, he may re-roll any scatter results for determining where the ball lanes, and any friendly player attempting to catch the ball gains an additional +1 modifier to the roll.Old World Classic, Worlds Edge Superleague, Halfling Thimble Cup
Bilerot Vomitflesh454+6+10+Dirty Player (+1), Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Loner (4+)180kPutrid RegurgitationOnce per game, Bilerot may use the Projectile Vomit Special Action. This may still be used even if Bilerot has already performed a Block action this turn.Favoured of Nurgle
Boa Kon'ssstriktr633+4+9+Dodge, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner (4+), Prehensile Tail, Safe Pair of Hands, Sidestep200kLook Into My EyesOnce per game, if Boa starts his activation marking an opposition player with the ball, he may roll a D6. On a 1, nothing happens. On a 2+ the opposition player loses possession of the ball, Boa immediately gains possession of the ball and Boa’s activation immediately ends.Lustrian Superleague
Bomber Dribblesnot*623+3+8+Accurate, Bombardier, Dodge, Loner (4+), Right Stuff, Secret Weapon, Stunty50kKaboom!Once per game, if an opposition player catches a Bomb thrown by Bomber, you can choose to have it explode immediately rather than rolling to see if the player can throw it again.Badlands Brawl, Underworld Challenge
Bryce 'The Slice' Cambuel534+-9+Chainsaw, Loner (4+), Regeneration, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm, Thick Skull130kGhostly FlamesOnce per half, when Bryce makes the Chainsaw Attack Special action as part of a Blitz action, he may add +4 to the Armour roll against an opponent rather +3.Sylvanian Spotlight
Cindy Piewhistle523+3+7+Accurate, Bombardier, Dodge, Loner (4+), Secret Weapon, Stunty50kAll You Can EatOnce per game, Cindy may perform two Throw Bomb Special actions rather than one, though she must commit to doing so before making the first action. If she does, immediately after performing the second Throw Bomb Special action roll a D6. On a 1-3 Cindy is immediately Sent Off.Old World Classic, Halfling Thimble Cup
Count Luthor von Drakenborg*652+3+10+Block, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner (4+), Regeneration, Sidestep340kStar of the ShowOnce per game, when Count Luthor scores a touchdown, his controlling coach may gain one team re-roll. If this re-roll has not been used by the end of the next drive, it is lost.Sylvanian Spotlight
Crumbleberry (included with Grak)523+6+7+Dodge, Loner (4+), Right Stuff, Stunty, Sure Hands0kTwo for OneGrak and Crumbleberry/The Swift Twins must be hired as a pair and count as two Star Players. However if either player is removed from play due to suffering a KO’ed or Casualty! result on the injury table, the other replaces the Loner (4+) trait with the Loner (2+) trait.Old World Classic, Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption, Elven Kingdoms League, Lustrian Superleague, Worlds Edge Superleague, Sylvanian Spotlight, Halfling Thimble Cup, Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Deeproot Strongbranch*275+4+11+Block, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+2), Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate, Timmm-ber!280kReliableIf Deeproot fumbles a Throw Team-mate action, the player that was to be thrown will bounce as normal but will automatically land safely.Old World Classic, Halfling Thimble Cup
Dribl (+ Drull)823+4+8+Dirty Player (+1), Dodge, Loner (4+), Sidestep, Sneaky Git, Stunty190kA Sneaky PairDribl & Drull must be hired as a pair and count as two Star Players. Additionally, whenever Dribl or Drull perform either a Stab or Foul action against an opposition player marked by both Dribl & Drull, they may apply a +1 modifier to the injury roll.Lustrian Superleague
Drull (Included with Dribl)823+4+8+Dodge, Loner (4+), Sidestep, Stab, Stunty0kA Sneaky PairDribl & Drull must be hired as a pair and count as two Star Players. Additionally, whenever Dribl or Drull perform either a Stab or Foul action against an opposition player marked by both Dribl & Drull, they may apply a +1 modifier to the injury roll.Lustrian Superleague
Eldril Sidewinder832+5+8+Catch, Dodge, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner (4+), Nerves of Steel, On the Ball230kMesmerizing DanceOnce per game, Eldril may re-roll a failed Agility test when attempting to use the Hypnotic Gaze trait.Elven Kingdoms League
Estelle La Veneaux633+4+8+Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Guard, Loner (4+), Sidestep190kBaleful HexOne per game, at the beginning of Estelle’s activation, choose an opposition player within five squares and roll a D6. On a 2+ the chosen player loses their Tackle Zone and cannot be activated until the end of the opposition’s next team turn.Lustrian Superleague
Frank N Stein454+-10+Break Tackle, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Regeneration, Stand Firm, Thick Skull250kBrutal BlockOnce per game, when Frank N Stein makes an Injury roll against an opponents a result of a Block action, he may choose to add an additional +1 modifier to the Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.Old World Classic, Sylvanian Spotlight
Fungus The Loon473+-8+Ball & Chain, Mighty Blow (+1), Loner (4+), No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stunty80kWhirling DervishOnce per activation, Fungus may re-roll the D6 when determining which direction he moves in.Badlands Brawl, Underworld Challenge
Glart Smashrip544+-9+Block, Claws, Grab, Juggernaut, Loner (4+), Stand Firm195kFrenzied RushOnce per game, when Glart performs a Blitz action, he may gain the Frenzy skill. You must declare this special rule is being used when Glart is activated. Glart may not use the Grab skill during a turn in which he uses this special rule.Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Gloriel Summerbloom722+2+8+Accurate, Dodge, Loner (3+), Pass, Sidestep, Sure Hands150kShot to NothingOnce per game, when Gloriel performs a Pass action, she may gain the Hail Mary Pass skill. You must declare this special rules is being used when Gloriel is activated.Elven Kingdoms League
Glotl Stop665+-10+Animal Savagery, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail, Stand Firm, Thick Skull270kPrimal SavageryOnce per game, when Glotl fails an Animal Savagery roll, it may lash out at an opposition player rather than a team mate.Lustrian Superleague
Grak (+ Crumbleberry)554+4+10+Bone Head, Kick Team-Mate, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull250kTwo for OneGrak and Crumbleberry/The Swift Twins must be hired as a pair and count as two Star Players. However if either player is removed from play due to suffering a KO’ed or Casualty! result on the injury table, the other replaces the Loner (4+) trait with the Loner (2+) trait.Old World Classic, Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption, Elven Kingdoms League, Lustrian Superleague, Worlds Edge Superleague, Sylvanian Spotlight, Halfling Thimble Cup, Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Grashnak Blackhoof664+-9+Frenzy, Horns, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Unchannelled Fury240kGored by the BullOnce per game, when Grashnak performs a Blitz action, Grashnak may roll one additional Block dice against the opposition player, regardless of the opposition player’s Strength, to a maximum of three Block dice. If Grashnak performs a second Block action due to the Frenzy skill, this second Block action will also benefit from this rule.Favoured of...
Gretchen Wachter 'The Blood Bowl Widow'732+-9+Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Foul Appearance, Jump Up, Loner (4+), No Hands, Regeneration, Shadowing, Sidestep260kIncorporealOnce per game, after making an Agility test to dodge, Gretchen may choose to modify the dice roll by adding her Strength characteristic to it.Sylvanian Spotlight
Griff Oberwald*742+3+9+Block, Dodge, Fend, Loner (3+), Sprint, Sure Feet280kConsummate ProfessionalOnce per game, Griff may re-roll one dice that was rolled either as a single roll, as part of a multiple dice roll or as part of a dice pool (this cannot be a dice that was rolled as part of an Armour, Injury or Casualty roll).Old World Classic, Halfling Thimble Cup
Grim Ironjaw543+-9+Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Multiple Block, Thick Skull200kSlayerOnce per game, when an opposition player with a Strength characteristic of 5 or more is Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by Grim, you may apply an additional +1 modifier to either the Armour or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.Old World Classic, Worlds Edge Superleague, Halfling Thimble Cup
Grombrindal the White Dwarf533+4+10+Block, Dauntless, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Stand Firm, Thick Skull210kWisdom of the White DwarfOnce per team turn, when one of Grombrindal’s team-mates that is in an adjacent square is activated, that player gains either the Break Tackle, Dauntless, Mighty Blow (+1), or Sure Feet skill until the end of their activation.Old World Classic, Lustrian Superleague, Worlds Edge Superleague, Halfling Thimble Cup
Hakflem Skuttlespike*932+3+8+Dodge, Extra Arms, Loner (4+), Prehensile Tail, Two Heads210kTrecherousOnce per game, if a team-mate in an adjacent square to Hakflem is in possession of the ball when Hakflem is activated, that player may immediately be Knocked Down and Hakflem may take possession of the ball. No turnover is caused as a result of using this special rule.Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Helmut Wulf633+-9+Chainsaw, Loner (4+), Pro, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm140kOld ProOnce per game, Helmut may use his Pro skill to re-roll a single dice rolled as part of an Armour roll.Old World Classic, Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption, Elven Kingdoms League, Lustrian Superleague, Worlds Edge Superleague, Sylvanian Spotlight, Halfling Thimble Cup, Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Ivan 'The Animal' Deathshroud644+5+9+Block, Disturbing Presence, Juggernaut, Loner (4+), Regeneration, Strip Ball, Tackle190kDwarfen ScourgeOnce per game, when an opposition player is Knocked Down as a result of a Block action performed by Ivan, you may apply an additional +1 modifier to the Armour roll or Injury roll. If this is against a Dwarfen player from any team, this may instead be a +2 modifier.Sylvanian Spotlight
Ivar Eriksson643+4+9+Block, Guard, Loner (3+), Tackle245kRaiding PartyOnce per drive, whenever Ivar begins his activation, he may choose one Open player on his team within five squares. The chosen player may immediately move one square, ignoring Tackle Zones, though they must end this move Marking an opposition player.Old World Classic
Karla von Kill643+4+9+Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Jump Up, Loner (4+)210kIndomitableOnce per game, when Karla / Willlow successfully rolls to use her Dauntless skill, she may increase her Strength characteristic to double that of the nominated target of her Block action.Old World Classic, Lustrian Superleague, Halfling Thimble Cup
Kreek Rustgouger*574+-10+Ball & Chain, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), No Hands, Prehensile Tail, Secret Weapon170kI'll Be BackThe first time in a game that Kreek Rustgouger would be Sent-off as per the Secret Weapon trait, he is not Sent-off and instead may continue as part of the game.Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Lord Borak the Despoiler553+5+10+Block, Dirty Player (+2), Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Sneaky Git260kLord of ChaosA team that includes Lord Borak gains an extra Team re-roll for the first half of the game. If this Team re-roll is not used during the first half, it may be carried over into the second half. However, if Lord Borak is removed from play before this re-roll is used, it is lost.Favoured of...
Lucien Swift (+ Valen Swift)732+5+9+Block, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Tackle340kTwo for OneGrak and Crumbleberry/The Swift Twins must be hired as a pair and count as two Star Players. However if either player is removed from play due to suffering a KO’ed or Casualty! result on the injury table, the other replaces the Loner (4+) trait with the Loner (2+) trait.Elven Kingdoms League
Max Spleenripper544+-9+Chainsaw, Loner (4+), Secret Weapon130kMaximum CarnageOnce per game, after Max performs a Chainsaw Attack Special action he may immediately perform another Chainsaw Attack Special action that targets a different player.Favoured of Khorne
Mighty Zug454+6+10+Block, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1)220kCrushing BlowOnce per game, when an opposition player is Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by Zug / Varag, you may apply an additional +1 modifier to the Armour roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.Old World Classic, Lustrian Superleague, Halfling Thimble Cup
Morg 'n' Thorg*663+4+11+Block, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+2), Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate380kThe BallistaOnce per game, if Morg fails the Passing Ability test when making a Pass action or a Throw Team-mate action, you may re-roll the D6.Old World Classic, Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption, Elven Kingdoms League, Lustrian Superleague, Worlds Edge Superleague, Halfling Thimble Cup, Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Nobbla Blackwart623+-8+Block, Chainsaw, Dodge, Loner (4+), Secret Weapon, Stunty120kKick 'em while they're down!Once per game, Nobbla may use the Chainsaw Attack Special action against a Prone or Stunned opposition player. This does not count as a Foul action and so Nobbla cannot be Sent-off when using this ability.Badlands Brawl, Underworld Challenge
Puggy Baconbreath533+4+7+Block, Dodge, Loner (3+), Nerves of Steel, Right Stuff, Stunty120kHalfling LuckOnce per game, Puggy may re-roll one dice that was rolled either as a single dice, or as part of a dice pool (this cannot be a dice that was rolled part of an Armour, Injury, or Casualty roll).Old World Classic, Halfling Thimble Cup
Ripper Bolgrot465+4+10+Grab, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate250kThinking Man's TrollOnce per half, Ripper may re-roll one dice that was rolled either as a single dice, as part of a multiple dice pool (this cannot be a dice that was rolled as part of an Armour, Injury or Casualty roll).Badlands Brawl, Underworld Challenge
Rodney Roachbait623+4+7+Catch, Diving Catch, Jump Up, Loner (4+), On the Ball, Sidestep, Stunty, Wrestle70kCatch of the DayOnce per half, if Rodney is Standing and begins his activation within 3 squares of a ball which is on the ground he may roll a D6. On a 1-2, nothing happens. On a 3+, Rodney immediately gains possession of the ball.Halfling Thimble Cup
Rowana Forestfoot633+4+8+Dodge, Dump-Off, Guard, Horns, Jump Up, Leap, Loner (4+)160kBounding LeapOnce per game, after declaring that she will Leap but before rolling any dice, Rowana may choose to use this special rule. If she does, Rowana suffers no negative modifiers for the Agility test to Leap and may choose to re-roll the result.Halfling Thimble Cup
Roxanna Darknail831+4+8+Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, Juggernaut, Leap, Loner (4+)270kBurst of SpeedOnce per game, Roxanna may attempt to Rush three times, rather than the usual two. You may declare you are using this special rule after Roxanna has Rushed twice.Elven Kingdoms League
Rumbelow Sheepskin633+-8+Block, Horns, Juggernaut, Loner (4+), No Hands, Tackle, Thick Skull170kRamOnce per game, when an opposition player is Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by Rumbelow, you may apply an additional +1 modifier to either the Armour or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.Old World Classic, Worlds Edge Superleague, Halfling Thimble Cup
Scrappa Sorehead723+5+8+Dirty Player (+1), Dodge, Loner (4+), Pogo Stick, Right Stuff, Sprint, Stunty, Sure Feet130kYoink!Once per game, when Scrappa attempts to interfere with a Pass action, he may roll a D6. On a 2+, Scrappa does not need to roll to interfere with the Pass action, instead he automatically makes an Interception and gains control of the ball.Badlands Brawl, Underworld Challenge
Scyla Anfingrimm554+-10+Claws, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull, Unchannelled Fury200kFury of the Blood GodOnce per game, if Scyla rolls a 1 for his Unchannelled Fury roll after declaring a Block action, instead of applying the usual effects of Unchannelled Fury, Scyla may perform two Block actions instead.Favoured of Khorne
Skitter Stab-Stab922+4+8+Dodge, Loner (4+), Prehensile Tail, Shadowing, Stab150kMaster AssassinOnce per game, when Skitter successfully breaks an opposition player's armour as a result of a Stab Special Action, he may choose to re-roll the Injury roll.Underworld Challenge, Favoured of...
Skrorg Snowpelt554+-9+Claws, Disturbing Presence, Juggernaut, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1)250kPump Up the CrowdOnce per game, when Skrorg causes an opposition player to be removed as a Casualty as the result of a Block action, Skrorg’s controlling coach gains one team re-roll. If this re-roll has not been used by the end of the drive, it is lost.Old World Classic
Skrull Halfheight634+4+9+Accurate, Loner (4+), Nerves of Steel, Pass, Regeneration, Sure Hands, Thick Skull150kStrong Passing GameOnce per game, after making a Passing Ability test to perform a Pass action, Skrull may choose to modify the dice roll by adding his Strength characteristic to it.Worlds Edge Superleague, Sylvanian Spotlight
The Black Gobbo623+3+9+Bombardier, Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Loner (3+), Sidestep, Sneaky Git, Stab, Stunty225kSneakiest of the LotIf your team includes the Black Gobbo, you may commit two Foul actions per team turn, provided one of your Foul actions is committed by the Black Gobbo himself.Badlands Brawl, Underworld Challenge
Thorsson Stoutmead634+3+8+Block, Drunkard, Loner (4+), Thick Skull170kBeer Barrel Bash!Once per drive, at the start of his activation, Thorsson may perform a Throw Keg Special action. When he does, select an opposition player within three squares of Thorsson and roll a D6. On a 3+, the player is immediately Knocked Down. However, on a 1, Thorsson is Knocked Down instead.Old World Classic
Valen Swift (included with Lucien Swift)732+2+8+Accurate, Loner (4+), Nerves of Steel, Pass, Safe Pass, Sure Hands0kTwo for OneGrak and Crumbleberry/The Swift Twins must be hired as a pair and count as two Star Players. However if either player is removed from play due to suffering a KO’ed or Casualty! result on the injury table, the other replaces the Loner (4+) trait with the Loner (2+) trait.Elven Kingdoms League
Varag Ghoul-Chewer653+5+10+Block, Jump Up, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull280kCrushing BlowOnce per game, when an opposition player is Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by Zug / Varag, you may apply an additional +1 modifier to the Armour roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.Badlands Brawl, Underworld Challenge
Wilhelm Chaney843+4+9+Catch, Frenzy, Claws, Loner (4+), Regeneration, Wrestle220kSavage MaulingOnce per game, when Wilhelm makes an Injury roll against an opposing player, he may choose to re-roll the result.Sylvanian Spotlight
Willow Rosebark543+6+9+Dauntless, Loner (4+), Sidestep, Thick Skull150kIndomitableOnce per game, when Karla / Willlow successfully rolls to use her Dauntless skill, she may increase her Strength characteristic to double that of the nominated target of her Block action.Elven Kingdoms League
Withergrasp Doubledrool634+4+9+Loner (4+), Prehensile Tail, Tackle, Tentacles, Two Heads, Wrestle170kWatch out!The first time each half that Withergrasp is the target of an opposition player’s Block action, he counts as having the Dodge skill.Favoured of...
Zolcath the Zoat554+5+10+Disturbing Presence, Juggernaut, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail, Regeneration, Sure Feet230kExcuse me are you a Zoat?Once per game, when Zolcath is activated, he may gain the Hypnotic Gaze trait. You must declare this special rule is being used when Zolcath is activated.Elven Kingdoms League, Lustrian Superleague

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